Jeroen Ooms - frontend developer

Jeroen Ooms

Frontend developer @ Incentro


The Flex Grid

The Flex Grid is a lightweight 12 columns grid, build with CSS3 feature flexbox. The grid is made for modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari & IE10+. No support for dinosaurs.


Initialize.css is a complete and customizable collection of CSS best practices based on Normalize.css and HTML5 Boilerplate. Available in CSS and configurable SASS (SCSS) format.

Recruitment Ipsum

Recruitment Ipsum is a collection of real recruitment mails. They're finally getting useful as placeholder text!

Github Project Starter

A boilerplate for Github projects to save time on creating a build process and a demo page for Github Pages.

Wordpress Starter Theme

This project is a clean and future proof HTML5 Wordpress starter theme with SASS support. It's a boilerplate for Wordpress themes. It has minimalistic styling and is highly customizable.