Github Project Starter

A boilerplate for Github projects to save time on creating a build process and a demo pages for Github Pages.

The Github Project Starter is a project starter kit for Github projects and experiments. It's made to save time on building a buildprocess and creating a nice demo page when starting a new project. You are looking at the demo right now! It's easy to customize.


Easy installation with Yeoman!

First, install Yeoman and generator-github-project-starter using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-github-project-starter

Then generate your new project:
yo github-project-starter

Building your project

Build your project easily with Gulp. There are tasks available for building html, scss, javascript and images. Code quality will be checked by jshint. All you have to do is:
gulp build

Work on your project locally and watch your changes using BrowserSync:
gulp watch

Deploy your project to Github Pages. By using the follow command, your project dist folder will be send to the gh-pages branch. A custom commit message is optional.
gulp deploy
gulp deploy --message 'This is my first commit'